Photo: Agustín Ortiz Herrera (from video)
© SU-EN Butoh Company


In 2017 SU-EN Butoh Company celebrated 20 years at Haglund Skola, center for performing arts and Butoh. The company has own unique spaces, studio, ateliers and guest houses in an old village school in the forest near Almunge village. The company rehearses all performances here and makes costumes and stage art. Haglund Skola also hosts residencies and labs, and has a yearly Summer camp for training in the SU-EN Butoh Method. Being based in nature and residing in these old buildings is central to the artistic work process.

The 20 years celebration was a day full of artistic adventures with the company, the workshop participants and guest artists. And a nice vegetarian meal was served in the garden.

Date: August 26, 2017

Hosts: Hans T and SU-EN


Agustín Ortiz Herrera
Aktion 1
By the flag pole

Lise-Lotte Norelius and Sören Runolf
Skrot – ett ljudstycke med live-elektronik
In the scrap metal pile

SU-EN/Workshop participants and Kirsten Holm
Dans vid träd
In the forest by the fallen tree

Agustín Ortiz Herrera
Aktion 2
In the forest near the old shed

Johannes Bergmark
Besträngade Stigbyglar
Hanging from trees, near the old shed

Eva Björkman
White string
In the allé

Junichi Kakizaki, SU-EN/Workshop participants and choir Munviga/Gina van Dam
Afterlight installation by Kakizaki
Dance and voices

During the day people were also guided to the other permanent installations around the house, and also in the main building.

Permanent installations at Haglund Skola:
Nobuyuki Sugihara
Stone circle dancing with pine trees

Eva Björkman
Stone field

Workshops participants 2017:
Madeleine Holmlund, Heiko Klandt
Brenda Cedillo Perez, Monica Flores Renteria, Jessica Medrano Gomez
Maria Fernanda Martinez, Florencia Guerberof, Rachel Holmes, Cecilia Gatenheim, Andrea Garcia

Thanks to: Per Johan Jansson/Stora Väsby gård
Silvestar Trevizan/Ulva Krog

Supported by: Swedish Arts Council, City of Uppsala – Cultural
Affairs Board
The Swedish Arts Grants Committee, Culture and Education, Region Uppsala