the choir Munviga.
Stabat Mater is a sculptural voice and body performance
dedicated to all the children who die in war.
Performed in Helga Trefaldighetskyrkan and commissioned by
Projekt Konkrement and the Swedish Church 2013
Idea, choreography and dance: SU-EN
Actions and voices: Lady choir Munviga
Music, song and choir: Gina van Dam
Åsa Rosenqvist, Heléne Lettesjö, Karin Löfgren, Eva Sondén,
Eva Lindroth, Anna-Britta Öhman, Ing-Marie Nyström, Kierstin Petersson-Grawé, Christina Bergsten, Lidija Tomic, Ewa Nester,
Anna Larsson, Inga-Lill Thorsell, Mona Olsson, Annette Sondell, Madelen Hermelin
Assistant to SU-EN: Azda Reinhammar
Supported by: Swedish Arts Council, City of Uppsala, Cultural Affairs Board, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee