© SU-EN Butoh Company


Uppsala February 3–6, 2007
This project was done in Uppsala city and near countryside. Areas of the city were chosen from certain information found in research such as: ethnic mixture, level of income, other interesting facts.

Presentation and discussion was held at Uppsala City Library, February 2

Total amount of door knockings: 147
Total amount of opened doors: 70
Total amount of refusals: 54
Total amount of improvisations: 16

Idea och realization: Amit Sen, cello and SU-EN, dance
Documentation assistants: Lina Palmgren, Anna Bralkowska,
Caroline Lundblad
Project chef: Silvestar Trevizan
Supported by: Swedish Arts Council, The Foundation for
the Culture of the Future

Saturday 3, 2007
Number of door knockings: 45
Number of refusals: 21
Number of improvisations: 7

Vårdsätra – Mats and Birgitta Olsson, appr. 11:45 am
Gottsunda – Grönsakshuset, greengrocery, appr. 12:15 am
Fathia Alkhatib and wedding party, appr. 12:40 am
Farziya Kalahama + daughter Sava Taha, appr. 1:00 pm
Uppsala Akademistall
Upplands-Västmanlands Fältrittklubb, appr. 2:30 pm
Stenhagen – Jan-Erik Wahlund and Michiko Morooka + 1 neighbour, appr. 3:20 pm – Örnolfur Torvaldsson, daughter Gudrun Örnolfurdottir, appr. 3:45 pm
Uppsala Castle

Sunday 4, 2007
Number of knockings: 58
Number of refusals: 28
Number of improvisations: 6

Studentstaden – Maritza Borgström and Axel Danielsson, the dog Kelly, appr. 12:55 am – Lian Gerg Haipeng Lin, appr. 12:45 am (China)
Luthagen – Johan Broström, appr. 1:10 pm – Sanna and Johan Hedman, appr. 1:25 pm – Birgit Jansson, appr. 1:55 pm
Årsta – Årsta Video, Abba (poet, Kurd from Iran), appr. 2:45 pm
District around Funbo – Urban Söderlund’s workshop, appr. 4:20 pm

Monday 5, 2007
Number of knockings: 44
Number of refusals: 5
Number of improvisations: 3

With us on the tour: Lukas from SR Uppland and Ulf Johansson from TV Uppland

Nåntuna – Hans, working with sound, film and biotechnology, appr. 12:45 am
Gamla Uppsala Buss, staff center, appr. 2:20 pm
Fluffabriken, dog hair dresser, Fålhagen
Emmelie Johansson + the dog Gandalf
Angelika Moberg + the dog Pelle

Modus Mobile © SU-EN and Amit Sen 2007