Photo: SU-EN Butoh Company
© SU-EN Butoh Company


VISCERAL SPACE January 28 – March 11: Exhibition at Uppsala Art Museum. Installations based on previous works SLICE, Scrap Bodies, Blush, Chicken Life and more. Collaboration partners for the exhibition is Skrotcentralen i Uppsala AB, Gunnar H Stening, Rickard Sporrong, Lee Berwick (UK), Junichi Kakizaki (Japan), Fredrik Olofsson and Lise-Lotte Norelius.

In 2012 SU-EN Butoh Company celebrated 20 years of artistic activities!
The company was founded in Tokyo in 1992, after SU-EN received her name from Tomoe Shizune-sensei through the performance Kaze no Cho produced by Tomoe Shizune & Hakutobo at Tiny Alice, Tokyo.

The 20 years was manifested through an art exhibition at Uppsala Art Museum – Visceral Space. Several rooms were designed by SU-EN and collaboration partners and filled with installations based on some of the company’s major pieces and projects. About 6.433 visitors came to see the exhibition!

On the opening night we made a Scrap happening with our old collaborators Skrotcentralen i Uppsala AB. Score by SU-EN and the participants:

Matte Melin: crane operator
Niklas Lundqvist: welder
Magnus Arkebäck: welder
Joakim Jansson: welder
Sven-Ove Wånö: welder
Hans Melin: welder
Robert Alm: welder
& Lee Berwick with scrap sounds

In the evening at the castle, we had a big party and many colleagues and friends participated. Some also shared performance works with us: Stuart Lynch, Joan Laage, Milos Sejn, Johannes Bergmark, Cassius Åkerlund, Irma Optimist and Sören Runolf. Toastmasters were Hans T and Gilles Kennedy.

SU-EN Butoh Company also released a catalogue mapping the 20 years, designed by Gunnar H Stening. The catalogue was a collaboration with dance critic Gilles Kennedy and includes also a congratulation text from Tomoe Shizune & Hakutobo.

The catalogue is available for free and may be ordered at

Slice body art installation
February 18, 12.00-16.30
Uppsala Art Museum

Slice as a dance performance premiered in 2003 and was performed in festivals all over the world. In the 20-year celebration exhibition one room is dedicated to the space that was part of the Slice performance. SU-EN installed herself in the Slice room as part of the video installation and through her body added another dimension to the installation. From body to installation and back to body again…the circle has turned around a few times.

Finissage Blush Re-mix
March 11, 15.30-16.30
SU-EN Butoh Company and musician Lise-Lotte Norelius
Uppsala Art Museum

This arty re-mix of the dance performance Blush from 2010 concluded the 20-year celebration with a party. Action painting butohstyle, cabaret atmosphere and live processed electronics! With SU-EN, KAI-EN and Marie Gavois. Photos Gunnar H Stening, programmed by Fredrik Olofsson.

All ended with the official ending ceremony with drinks.

Supported by: Swedish Arts Council, City of Uppsala, Cultural Affairs Board, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee