Photo: SU-EN
© SU-EN Butoh Company and each artist


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Choreography: SU-EN
Art objects: Eva Björkman
Music: Lise-Lotte Norelius
Dance: Madeleine Holmlund, Heiko Klandt
Guest dancer: KAI-EN
Costume design: SU-EN
Production: Mon no Kai/SU-EN Butoh Company
Organizer: Botanical Garden in Uppsala/Mon no Kai
Photo/montage poster: Eva Björkman/SU-EN/Anna Glantz
Thanks to: Astrid and Erik Reinhammar
Duration: 2 hours

The dance and art event celebrated diversity of the species. In the Tropical Greenhouse in Uppsala Botanical Garden we could find a sanctuary for life as the frogs were singing beside us when we created our contribution to the diversity. Dancers, art objects and electronic music made an addition to the already very lush environment. The audience were invited to eat fruit, walk through the rain forest room and finally gathered in the Victoria pond room.

Date: Dec 7, 2019

Supported by: Swedish Arts Council, City of Uppsala, Cultural Affairs Board, The Swedish Arts Grants Committee